Tuesday 16 April 2024

 Writing-A Formal Letter

Formal letters in English follow a specific layout. You can learn about it in:
Here is a model you can use to write a draft of your formal letter

Tuesday 14 September 2021

Reading and Listening: The Fake Paralympians

It is always a good practice to use authentic materials to learn real English. Watch the video and read the text from the BBC about fake paralympians. Pay attention to the usage of English.

Click the link below


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Vocabulary: Food

Try this activity to practise your vocabulary about food, ingredients, tastes, etc.

Saturday 9 May 2020

The Passive Voice & The Causative: Have/Get Something Done

The passive voice is very often used in English, more than in Spanish. You can watch this video in Spanish with a complete explanation on the grammar topic.

There is another post about the passive (just present and past simple) in this blog:

To complete all the aspects of the passive voice, here is a link to a video-explanation of the Causative Passive, also known as Have/Get Something Done:

Thursday 12 December 2019

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Remember, we use the present simple for usual, repeated activities and routines and we use the present continuous for actions happening when we are speaking.
Now try this: